Baby Love

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Here are some pics of the nearly complete nursery. Matt picked out the baby blanket all by himself. He was quite proud of it. The crib is a gift from parents and the gliding chair is from my Grandma. The word around own is that the bedding that I reaaaaalllly wanted is on it's way here.

We have a basinette too which was given to us by Matt's cousin. Some very special babies in his family have used it. We plan on keeping it in our room for now. That way we won't be funmbling around in the dark when she wakes up in the night. Although I think after about a day or two she'll be sleeping through the night.....maybe? Maybe not.

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to the nursery. Including the closet full of clothes! We will have the best dressed baby in town. She has clothes through the summer months!


  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger ldw82053 said…

    Sleeping through the night? You must be kidding, by the time they do that you'll be waiting up for them to come home!


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