Baby Love

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Yesterday was my baby shower in Indiana. It was great! Thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated with me...Especially Nikki, Jeannie, and Natalie for throwing me such a great party. Matt wasn't too excited about the shower until he got a gift from his sister for our baby. She tracked down a copy of his favorite children's book. I've never seen him so excited for a gift. We went and picked out a crib today (a gift from Audrey's Nonnie and Grandpa) and some bedding. I will post pictures once everything is all set-up.

Captions for the pics...
1) Mom and I were posing for a picture when the baby kicked her!
2) We will have one clean baby! We got all sorts of bath stuff!
3) A Wissler family tradition. My mom got replicas made of the handmade Christmas stockings I had as a child. Audrey's is all made, but we are waiting for her to arrive before we put her name on it...just incase
4) Matt getting the best gift ever! A copy of his favorite book, The Old Witch and the Dragon.


  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Digital Wissler said…

    I love those stockings. They make me nostalgic for our childhood. Do you remember when I switched the coal from my stocking to yours and made you cry. Priceless.


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