Baby Love

Monday, October 02, 2006

So this is my new (and fashionable) maternity support belt. I feel like i should be stocking shevles at Wal-Mart. However, it is really helpful, so I'm going to keep on wearing it!

We also finished painting the nursery. Matt painted the walls and I did all the flowers on the wall. Here is Bling admiring my artwork.

Since this is my last trimester, I now have to go to the doctor every 2 weeks until the baby comes. We are also taking a childbirth education class this month. It is 9 hours long! Matt is not happy about that at all.

I am very lucky to be given two baby showers! One in Indiana and one in WV. I am registered at Target, Kid-R-Us, and a little at Wal-Mart.

We officially decided that the baby will be named Audrey Marie. However, if she comes out and we don't think she looks very Audrey-esque, we reserve the right to change our minds!


  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger ldw82053 said…

    Oh poor poor Bling, soon you will be up staged by the new Princess, enjoy being King for a few more months !


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