Baby Love

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

31 1/2 weeks!! Almost there...right??!! I am making some adjustments to my bigger belly. I now have to sit down to get dressed and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to tie my own shoes soon. The baby is getting really active now and kicking so hard that other people are noticing my belly move!

Matt and i tried to go to child birth class, but the teacher was horrible! She was so boring that we stopped paying attention. I did hear her say though that no one can fail at child birth. If no one can fail, why did we need to be there? We left.

Oh and Happy birthday to Dad, Bob, and Becca and a Happy Anniversary to Nick and Becca!

Monday, October 02, 2006

So this is my new (and fashionable) maternity support belt. I feel like i should be stocking shevles at Wal-Mart. However, it is really helpful, so I'm going to keep on wearing it!

We also finished painting the nursery. Matt painted the walls and I did all the flowers on the wall. Here is Bling admiring my artwork.

Since this is my last trimester, I now have to go to the doctor every 2 weeks until the baby comes. We are also taking a childbirth education class this month. It is 9 hours long! Matt is not happy about that at all.

I am very lucky to be given two baby showers! One in Indiana and one in WV. I am registered at Target, Kid-R-Us, and a little at Wal-Mart.

We officially decided that the baby will be named Audrey Marie. However, if she comes out and we don't think she looks very Audrey-esque, we reserve the right to change our minds!