Baby Love

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Here are Audrey's one month pictures. If you want to order the flower one the pose # is 0039. The blanket pose is #0048 (those are the last 4 digits on the bottom of the picture) . The reorder # is 959716918-5. You can order at Enjoy!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

5 weeks old!! she's growing like a weed! this weekend miss audrey found her hands! she was really excted and likesto eat them. the doctor says that she has colic, although we think she is just constipated. we started giving her a litte diluted apple juice and that seems to be helping. since i'm going back to work full-time, we had to find a daycare. we have a great lady named summer that watches audrey and a few other little girls. she seems to really like it there because she smiles every time she sees summer.