Baby Love

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Audrey Marie is here! We went to the hospital on Dec. 27 at 6:30 be induced. When we got there, we found out Audrey was already on her way! I was in labor all night an never progressed. In the morning they gave me a labor inducing drug and things were on their way! My epidural was the best thing that I could have ever asked for! I started pushing around 11 and Audrey came flopping out at 11:25 pm. That's 29 hours of labor!! She is 6 lbs. 12 ozs. and 20 inches long. Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, December 01, 2006

I just love the hands pictures. Also the belly shot...This is with exactly ONE MONTH left to go!

My WV baby shower! It was great. Nothing is better than having a bunch of your favorite people in the same place. Jeni, Rebecca, and my mom organized this one. They did fantastic. Becca even joined in via phone to say hello. The measuring picture and bottle picture are just some examples of Jeni's crazy games! They really were fun. After two great showers, I really feel like we have just about everything we need for the baby....except I'm still waiting on that How to be a Parent manual.