Baby Love

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Little update abuot our little bun in the oven. I've been having some major back pain issues lately. The doctor gave me a maternity support belt (in the picture...but not on me). It seems to be helping, but Matt has promised to laugh at me for how funny it looks. But he has been really good about giving me back rubs when I ask for them.

We started working on the nursery. We got all the walls painted and I'm doing a few cute floral designs on the walls. I will post pictures when it's all finished.

I'm not really planning on posting a new belly pic this month as I've only gained 2lbs.

We are starting to interview for a nanny next week. Since we will only need someone to watch the baby for about 15 hours a week, we decided it would be better to just hire an IU student to come to house. Cheap of the benefits of living in a colleg town.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ribs anyone? The little baby has decided to settle in right under my rib cage. This is in no way comfortable. I ask her to please move down a little, but she just kicks. My mom and Matt have been the only ones to feel the kicking and punching of my little boxer. She will stop all movement if she feel pressure on my belly. Stubborn little girl isn't she?

I go back to the doctor on the 11th, so I will keep veryone posted.

I also started registering for stuff at kids-r-us and target.