Baby Love

Sunday, May 27, 2007

who brought the sunscreen?

i love my teddy!

mommy and me

my cousin evan is taking me for a bike ride!

baby boz update!!
teeth! miss audrey now has 2 teeth and boy did they hurt! other than that she is working on sitting up all by herself, and expanding on her menu of solid foods. she also is rolling over both ways! such a big girl!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Easter! Just a few nice pictures from the Easter Bunny...


First Road Trip! Here are some pics from Audrey's first ever road trip to Nonnie and Grandpa's house in WV! Oh, and a little update from the doctor...Audrey weighs 15lbs and is 25 in long. That puts her in the 75% for both weight and height. She is also VERY smart for her age! The nurse said that she is developmentally where a 5-month-old is! A whole month ahead of all the other kids.

Baptism! Audrey was such a good baby at her baptism. She looked like a little angel too....thanks to good genes from her daddy and a BEAUTIFUL dress from Nonnie and Aunt Becca. Audrey's godparents are Jennifer Mosblack and Jeff Marsh. However due to life, they couldn't be there for her special day. Her Aunt Jeni stood in for them and did a great job!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i know it's been a month...sorry! here is miss aurdrey 2 months and counting...the met's pics are for you dad!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Here are Audrey's one month pictures. If you want to order the flower one the pose # is 0039. The blanket pose is #0048 (those are the last 4 digits on the bottom of the picture) . The reorder # is 959716918-5. You can order at Enjoy!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

5 weeks old!! she's growing like a weed! this weekend miss audrey found her hands! she was really excted and likesto eat them. the doctor says that she has colic, although we think she is just constipated. we started giving her a litte diluted apple juice and that seems to be helping. since i'm going back to work full-time, we had to find a daycare. we have a great lady named summer that watches audrey and a few other little girls. she seems to really like it there because she smiles every time she sees summer.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

daddy's hands
kisses for dad
mommy's baby
she's a messy milk?
chubby cheeks!

a week in the life of audrey marie (3 weeks old)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Audrey's first "real" can tell she loved it!